Friday, November 14, 2008


That's right folks, it's been exactly ONE YEAR since we set foot in Australia. It's been incredible so far, and we can't wait to see what happens next.

Let's do a quick year in review:

-We both found ourselves gainfully employed despite a lot of excellent reasons why that shouldn't have worked out.

-We bought a car, some Irish girl's furniture, and rented an apartment with round walls on the beach.

-We fell in love with cricket, and learned the names and stats of all the Australian and Indian players.

-We experienced our first summer Christmas.

-We vacuumed up spiders the size of our hands.

-We discovered the joys of driving to the Grampians on New Years Eve when it was 42 degree C and we had a car with no A/C.

-We ate cheese, honey, chocolate and chiko rolls in Tasmania.

-I got shipped off to a flood in Queensland with the Red Cross.

-We followed cricket to Sydney and Adelaide.

-We continued to love our jobs.

-We started forgetting what American food tastes like.

-We travelled around VIC and QLD with Carrie.

-We fell in love with the Western Bulldogs and travelled around to watch them play.

-We toured the Northern Territory and fell in love with Outback Australia.

-We found ourselves using words like, "mobile [phone]," "chook," etc.

-We bought a brand new car with about 20 kms on it.

-We decided to attempt to extend our visas and stay an extra year!!!

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